Meeting at 6 p.m.
Called to Order at 6:03 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Attendees: Heather Rothmeyer, Damian Rothmeyer, Shad Swanson, Jessa Bears, Delton, Lyden, and Andrew Nostvick
New Secretary- Heather made motion to appoint Andrew as new Secretary. Delton seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
New fundraising coordinator- Shad made motion to appoint Damian to be new coordinator. Heather seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
Tie Dye Class- Ordered extra shirts and made additional tie dye shirts. Just need transfers. Could use shirts for fundraising purposes. Need 10 transfers to add to newly created Tie Dye Shirts.
Ice Packs- With changes to vehicles, need more ice packs. Have 20 ice packs right now. Need to get more. Holding off on ordering ice packs until after the upcoming weekend
Seeds- Seed availability for everyone.
Class Series- Want to focus on additional ideas like canning, freezing, dehydrating, anything that is DIY.
Praised for PFI article. Article was in Horticulture newsletter
Budget: Shad discussed budget, which included the money from First Interstate Bank. Ultimate finding would be that Life 5b can get through next year. Budget includes purchase of whole hog in October to utilize in winter. Budget only focuses on current available funds plus donation from Tri-Valley Bank. Damian made motion to approve budget. Jessa seconded. Approved unanimously.
Discussion on Garden of Paradise Field Day event on August 25th
Community Garden Survey- LWMC having issues with trying to do survey
Insurance- Not factored into budget. Shad looking into insurance options.
Food Box Data- 303 boxes in total this year. 103 hospital boxes, 200 for LFPA. $8210, not including previous week. Inquire about giving LFPA to area food banks, notably Red Oak, Shenandoah, and Elliott.
Need to use LFPA funding by late March. Spent around $10k.
New Farm Bill- Discussion on farm bill, which would make LFPA funding more permanent. Also option for Choose Iowa. Need to look further into details.
Business Builders Subaward Grant- Shad discussed the grant. Eligible for up to $50k. First round of applications due October 15th. Shad intents to apply. Life 5b is eligible. Will discuss further in September, including a wish list.
Quick update Paid Boxes. Consider doing a paid boxes split. Exploring possibilities to raise more money.
Facebook Donation button is up and running
Business Cards- Need to get more
Survey- Jessa read through the survey on what to send out. Modified the old one. Also looked at the hospital’s survey.
Event Idea- Farmer Olympics competition. Could be a potential fundraiser/fall festival. Might incorporate a silent auction.
Marketing Notes- 597 Facebook Likes and 823 followers. Hasn’t sent out the August newsletter. Seeking input on possible ideas.
Lease Agreement- Delton changed lease to reflect name change. Need to get notarized.
Pickle-sicles- Plenty still available.
Van donation- Van going to be donated, letters possibly added to the van. Would possibly include Sponsored By verbiage. Could put sponsor stickers on there. Would only need to have a $25 fee for registration.
CHS grant- Hy-Vee sent details of the grant. Thought would be a good fit.
Donation requests- Damian meeting with multiple banks to seek out donations. Planning to visit banks of Shenandoah. Other area banks being considered.
Video content- Discussed more about video. Hoping to shoot more stuff possibly this weekend.
Food Assistance Data- Presented data from Iowa state website on food assistance in county area.
Thank You Letters- Secretary needs to help with sending out thank you letters.
Other Notes:
Planning and Fundraising meeting set for September 16th at 5 p.m. This will take place before the next monthly meeting.
Upcoming Events:
August 25th is Garden of Paradise Field Day
November 4th is Porters Lake Fall Festival. Will have a vendor table
November 8th is Southwest Iowa Local Foods Summit in Malvern