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Meeting Notes

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December 2024 Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 16th Meeting

6 p.m. at The Depot

Attended by Heather Rothmeyer, Damian Rothmeyer, Shad Swanson, Julie Wagner, and Andrew Nostvick.

Also features guests: Laura Ferguson, Jan Lovig, Dan Sullivan, and Tyler Barley

Meeting called to order at 6:26 p.m.

Old Business:

Shad talked with bank. Said he’s waiting o a response from them about the building. Everything is informal. Waiting to hear from Bank on next steps.

Shad also talked with Farm Table. Waiting to hear on what we will be getting. Would need to either pick up the food Thursday or have it delivered Friday. Would be $2500 worth of food. Need more information. Food will be delivered at Damian’s on Monday. Possible Christmas Eve delivery. Food would be delivered that week of Christmas. Shad will work on a list of what to put in the boxes. Will start name collecting.

Producer Meeting- Consideration of boosting a Facebook post. Also consideration of what food to serve. Would likely be appetizers.

Bylaws were tabled for next month’s meeting

Also looking into further discussion on food emergencies.

Unite Iowa. Could possibly join them. Julie would join a Zoom meeting to find out more.

New Business

No response from Cintas on issue

PFI conference- Putting it together. 

Next meeting will take place January 20th at the Depot at 6 pm

Meeting ended at 8:07 pm

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