November 18th Life 5b Meeting
In attendance: Heather Rothmeyer, Damian Rothmeyer, Shad Swanson, Jessa Bears, Andrew Nostvick, Julie Wagner, Tyler Bartley, Kathi Most
Meeting called to order at 6:08 p.m.
Old Business:
Shad discussion on LFPA funding. Still $1.1 million left to spend in the state. About $6,000 behind for us. No details on next year funding. Likely waiting for new President. Could be a possible gap. Would need to go to funding possibly. Possible solution would be a box per week sponsorship with businesses.
Shad talked to Farm Table (from Harlan) at conference. Could buy from them with LFPA funding.
Membership Bylaws: Dues are $20 and you can vote. Shad recommends keeping members at $20. Membership+ would be $50 plus a vote. If giving a vote, would require showing up to meetings. Could also tie the membership+ fees to include future classes.
Website: Shad recommending changing from monthly to yearly. Also recommend adding Julie to the members list.
Location for Producers Meeting: Need to set location for the Producers Meeting. Setup meeting on January 18th.
Jessa motion to have Producers Meeting on January 18th in Shenandoah at Elm Street Grill. Damien seconded. Unanimously approved the motion.
Porters Lake Recap: One of the two picked up. $77 made from the raffle
Scentsy Fundraiser: Made $15 from the fundraiser.
New Business:
Spencer’s Building in Shenandoah Update: Damian met with Thrasher. Said they gave a $40k estimate. Thrasher said the foundation would pass inspection on the home. Received another option on foundation guy in Farragut. Recommended taking care of the beam first. Said he would need $16k to do the whole project on the detached house. Owner said he would knock $5000 off if replaced electric paneling. Would knock offer down to $75k for both.
Cooler in the building would be $300, could be wrapped in, per owner.
$900-1400 for cool bot.
Possible meeting on Essex building.
Live Well Montgomery County Board: Plan to make changes to community garden. Could help with making the changes. Mobile Pantry will move to the last Thursday of the month. Will be starting a community fridge next to the YMCA.
Additional Bank Account: Need to open another bank account for the Food Farmacy Account.
Heather makes motion to open a 3rd account at Tri Valley Bank. Damian seconded. Unanimous voted to confirm.
High Tunnel Course: Shad recommends taking part in the course. Iowa State Horticulture hosts the course.
FARE fund: Food distribution and retail grant.
W9: Shad also needs W9s for those who made food deliveries
Iowa Food System Coalition: Would be a statewide group. Shad recommends possibly joining the group.
Joining Live Well Montgomery County Board: Member from the current Life 5b Board recommended to join Live Well Montgomery County Board. Motion was made to nominate Shad to volunteer on the Live Well board. Motion by Julie, seconded by Tyler. Motion unanimously approved.
Other Notes: Waiting to hear more on Veridian Giving Tuesday
Food Pantry: Need to get rid of expired stuff
Upcoming Seed Swap Events: Jessa will be contacting Greater Historical Society in Shenandoah about hosting seed swap events.
Social Media Update: 893 followers on Facebook
Future Classes: Heather talked to Jamie about foraging class. Option there to do a PowerPoint class in March. The outside element would be better to do in April.
Will do the foraging class in April and Gardening for Profit in March.
Tie Dye T-Shirts: Looking to get more t-shirts to do more shirts. Have the transfers.
Thank You Notes: Need to give information to Andrew so he can complete the notes. Need to put together a spreadsheet for the notes
PFI Conference: Still looking for possible candidates
Next month’s meeting location: Plan to do it in Shenandoah. Possibly do the Depot. Would be December 16th.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm