October 2024 Meeting Minutes
6 p.m. Meeting at Red Oak Library
Meeting Called to order at 6:01 pm
Members Present: Heather Rothmeyer, Damian Rothmeyer, Shad Swanson, Jessa Bears (via Zoom), Andrew Nostvick
Guests: Julie Wagner, Jodi Reese
Old Business:
Open with discussion about what to do for 2025 calendar. Also discuss looking over the building.
Planned to meet at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday at the building under consideration.
Planning Meeting Saturday at 6 pm at Julie’s
T-shirt transfers update: Need to give money before the 31st. Ordering 30 transfers
New Business:
Mention of building tour. Met with Tri-Valley Bank earlier in the day.
Discussion points toward possibly selling the adjacent house. Discussion over whether to rent it out or put it on the market to sell.
Table motion until Saturday to decide on what to do with Detached House.
Scentsy Fundraiser- Got green light from No Coast. Only need to inform about when to do it. Would likely do physical and online party. The Scentsy fundraiser starts on Thursday.
LFPA food boxes- Getting towards the end. Likely the last couple of weeks. Might have more, but getting towards the end with the cold weather affecting crops.
Also looking to reach out to schools, Shen schools most likely about utilizing LFPA funding.
Consideration of doing a Thanksgiving/Holiday basket.
Producer Highlight Video- Consideration. Looking to focus on doing interviews.
Conversation on previous board member and possible classes. Board opted not to proceed with classes with former board member.
Shad made motion to accept resignation of previous board member. Damian seconded. Voted unanimous approval
Discussion about next meeting location. Had considered location at Clarinda Library.
PFI conference tickets discussion.
Board agreed that there is a need to focus on more recruitment.
Amended budget now includes $3,396.40. Heather motion to approve amended budget. Shad seconded. Voted unanimous approval.
The Board went over plan for Porters Lake Fall Festival.
Jodi Reese from Griswold. Wants to grow food for people. Seeking to coordinate with learning how to grow. Would like to grow. Has grown an acre of food and flowers. Offered some Pie Pumpkins. Would like to work with Life 5b and learn more.
Producer signed up. Discussion on the process that needs to be followed, if they need to pay, etc. Need to do an onboarding process. Tabling the idea for now.
Next monthly meeting is set for November 18th at 6 p.m. at the Red Oak Public Library.
Shad motions to adjourn. Damien seconds. Voted unanimous approval
Meeting adjourns at 7:37 pm