September 2024 Meeting Minutes
Meeting at 6 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 6:14 p.m.
Members Present: Heather Rothmeyer, Damian Rothmeyer, Jessa Bears, Shad Swanson, and Andrew Nostvick
Absent: Delton Lyden
Old Business
Need to Reschedule Next Planning Meeting: Couldn’t hold the meeting on original date. Date is to be determined.
Business Builders Grant: Consideration of when to apply. Meeting set for 5 p.m. on September 30th.
Purchases: Need to place order for t-shirt transfers. Received new round of business cards. Also need to order a tablecloth.
Looking to get ice packs. No plans to spend money on the packs. Meat pig has been ordered. Could be available late September/early October. Will be 250 lbs. of meat. No word on how it is processed. Likely would be in 1-2 lbs. packages.
Meat will soon be available in LFPA boxes.
Paperwork: Lease agreement was notarized. CD agreements completed.
Funding: Lost out on CHS grant. No further details on what happened.
No new details on van donation. Might seek out possible option from area hospital.
Shad said he filed for a Mills County Foundation Grant. Filed for $3700 which includes computer equipment.
New Business
Human Service Advisory Council: Possible meeting in Council Bluffs. Considerations to join group. They meet every 4th Wednesday on Broadway at the Salvation Army. $50 membership costs. First year is free. Could possibly attend the October meeting.
Packing List/Labeling: Discussion on possibly adding a list. Could be an option to add to newsletter. Trying to come up with options for recipients. Will be discussing further.
Discussion on more people going to upcoming Food Summit in Malvern.
Damian had meetings with Dickel Duit and Tractor Supply. Also met with First National Bank, Malvern Bank, and Tri-Valley Bank.
Next Monthly Meeting is set for October 21st at 6 p.m.
Other upcoming events:
November 4th is Porters Lake Fall Festival
November 8th is Local Foods Summit in Malvern
Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.